Study Worldwide 13000 Universities 600 000 programs 18 000 Scholarship


Human Resources Placement Head Hunting We are recruiting Engineers globally


Canadian Baccalaureate For a Best Future


Why Choose Us

Best Schools/Universities

Universal Group offers a service that locates exactly the right course in the right university, college or language schools. Our  system is highly personalised and ensures a response that is quick and relevant.

Just contact us  to begin your journey with us. We will help you to fulfil your dreams finding the right international study abroad program.


Since 2006 Universal Group has helped thousends of international students at all educational levels find and get accepted to great schools worldwide

Our Single Application Form

 Our single application form is used to apply to all of the schools in our programs making our process faster and easier than all other methods. Our professional team works closely with school admission staff throughout the entire application process which helps you get quickly accepted into the school of your choice.

Do Enquiry for Admission

Europe and Russia



USA and Canada


Asia and Africa


Australia and New Zeeland